Mobile Parts


Huawei Resurrector for Furious PACK 7

Huawei Resurrector for Furious PACK 7


Furious Gold PACK7 Huawei * Resurrector

Huawei Resurrector - How to Use:

  • To be able to use this software you need the Furious Gold hardware with PACK7 activated
  • Purchase the activation FC HUAWEI RESURRECTOR
  • Once you bought the activation FC HUAWEI RESSURECTOR, firstly you need to start the FC HUAWEI module then start the FC HUAWEI RESURRECTOR module

Huawei Resurrector - Features:

Supports year 2015 and later phones:

  • Repair BRICKED Huawei (Bootloop, Fastboot mode only and etc.)
  • Write Huawei factory UPDATE.APP files directly by fastboot with locked bootloader or locked FRP!
  • Write Factory repair files with full erase
  • Write custom ROM directly by fastboot without unlocking bootloader
  • Write any ROM in fastboot without signature and compatibility checking!
  • Various Factory repair files available in the support area
  • Choose which partition(s) to write from the UPDATE.APP
  • Write firmware in update mode (same as from SD, just without copying the file to the SD)
  • Create configuration for repeating jobs
  • Qualcomm and HiSilicon phones supported
  • Support Unlimited FRP

Step by step repair phone with undamaged security:

  • Write compatible UPDATE.APP file in fastboot (phone should bootup)
  • Repeat same firmware flashing in upgrade mode

Step by step repair phone with damaged security:

  • Write Factory repair file from support (If not present, write similar)
  • Write an identical UPDATE.APP
  • Repair all numbers (not only IMEI), vendor and country with FC Huawei

To activate this product, please, provide us with your Furious Gold Box username and serial number while placing an order.

To find your serial number and username please do the following:

  • Launch maintenance software
  • Press "Go Furiousgold Support Area"
  • Choose "Dashboard"
  • Select "Account Info"