Mobile Parts


Metal Plate For Car Cell Phone Holder


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Metal Plate For Car Cell Phone Holder

Magnetic car mounts use a metal plate to hold the phone securely in place. Compared to standard mounts, they are smaller in size and therefore take up less space on the dashboard. In addition, they guarantee you a longer life than spring clamps. They are also very practical, since they generally allow you to use the phone even if it is protected by a cover. The 360-degree rotating and swiveling structure allows you to always have a perfect view of your device.

Product Features :

- 2 metal pieces with 3M 9448A double-sided adhesive which once attached to the mobile phone allow you to use the magnetic car holder
- Circular plate measuring 40 * 40mm
- Square plate & nbsp; 45 * 65mm
- The material it is manganese steel, excellent for making it mate with any magnet on the market.