Mobile Parts


Display Touch Black Honor 10 Lite - Honor 20 Lite (IPS)

Compatible with:

Honor 10 Lite 2018 HRY-LX1

Honor 10 Lite 2018 HRY-LX1MEB

Honor 10 Lite 2018 HRY-LX2

Honor 10 Lite 2018 HRY-AL00a

Honor 10 Lite 2018 HRY-AL00

Honor 10 Lite 2018 HRY-TL00

Honor 20 Lite 2019 HRY-LX1T

Honor 20 Lite 2019 LRA-AL00

Honor 20 Lite 2019 LRA-TL00


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Display Touch Black Honor 10 Lite - Honor 20 Lite (IPS)