Mobile Parts


Rear Camera 48MP + 16MP + 5MP + 2MP OnePlus 8T (PULLED)


Rear Camera 48MP + 16MP + 5MP + 2MP OnePlus 8T (PULLED)

NP105-A Nano Tweezers

Tweezers JBC NP-105A For Nano tweezers
The small JBC tweezers for the repair of small components that require the maximum precision like chips 0402, 0201, 01005, etc.
Works with two individually managed cartridges.
Versatile movement The flexibility of the arms allows for greater versatility when handling components of any geometry.
Shorter Tip-to-Grip Distance Provides greater manual tool control, even when using a microscope.
Finger sleeves The N1738 sleeves are adapted to the operator's fingers to apply lateral movement.
Works with NASE and NANE Nano stations and C105 cartridge.

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