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Octopus Sony Unlimited Activation

Attivazione Sony per OctopusBox

Attivazione Sony/ SonyEricsson per Octopus/Octoplus Box
Da diritto all'attivazione definitiva per tutti i prodotti Sony supportati da Octopus/Octoplus BOX.
Entro 24/48 Ore dal pagamento accettato, riceverete la login name e password da inserire nella maschera del programma
One time Activation Octopus Suite software.
Octopus/Octoplus Unlimited Sony Ericsson Activation
Outstanding Features Direct Unlock Repair IMEI Repair TA Read/Write TA Read Info.
Write Firmware Octopus/Octoplus Unlimited Sony Ericsson Activation
Supported Models Sony Ericsson
E-series: E10a, E10i, E15a, E15i, E16a, E16i
LT-series: LT15a, LT15at, LT15i, LT18a, LT18i
MK-series: MK16a, MK16i
MT-series: MT11a, MT11i, MT15a, MT15i
R-series: R800, R800a, R800at, R800i, R800x
SC-0-series: SC-01B
SK-series: SK17a, SK17i
SO-0-series: SO-01B, SO-01C, SO-02C, SO-03C
ST-series: ST15a, ST15i, ST17a, ST17i, ST18a, ST18i
U-series: U20a, U20i
WT-series: WT19a, WT19i
X-series: X10a, X10i
Z-series: Z1i Please note that you'll be able to use Octopus/Octoplus Unlimited Sony Ericsson Activation with Octopus Box or Octoplus Box servicing boxes only (box should be connected to PC and its smart-card detected via software). Otherwise, you'll be charged according to theOctopus server credits consumption table. Octopus Suite activation manual
Please note that Repair IMEI / Unlock procedures won't work for phones which were manufactured after 12W10 (12W11, 12W12, 12W13 and later) (phones with so-called new security).