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Advanced Turbo Flasher Nitro

ATF Nitro Version con ATF Network Incluso, l'unico tool che supporta i nuovissimi Lumia e la nuova sere 'X' Nokia !!

ATF Nitro Version con ATF Network Incluso.

L'unico tool che supporta la serie Lumia e la serie "X" Nokia, Non Include Cavi a Corredo !!
Per tutte le News di Advance Turbo Flasher visitate il sito ufficiale:
Per la soluzione di problemi inerenti ai modelli supportati, visitate il forum:  
480 mbps HIGH-SPEED USB 2.0 Connection ( First In World ) -
PC connection is 40 times faster than any other box in the market 100%
FPGA based implementation of the flash bus protocols( First In World )
Significantly faster and more stable than regular MCU based boxes Adjustable VCCIO Logic Levels
Compatible with old phone model Logic Level (3.30v)
Compatible with new phone model Logic Level (2.80v)
Compatible with future phone model Logic Level (1.80v) Ultra Fast Flash Clock currently upto 15 Mhz (First In World )
Firmware updatable to support upto 60 Mhz without the need of hardware modifications

Prodotto Consigliato Per ATF Tool Box