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Spt Box Samsung Pro Tool

Samsung Professional Tool, L'unico tool che supporta il nuovo Galaxy Note3, una gamma infinita di modelli, supportati in modo assolutamente 'PROFESSIONALE', completa di Kit Cavi

SPT BOX News 2014 * First IN World SM-N9008V Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* First IN World SM-T315 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* First IN World SM-G3818 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* First IN World GT-S7562U Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* First IN World GT-S7562C Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* First IN World GT-S7278 Flash/IMEI
* First IN World GT-G7102 Flash
* First IN World GT-G7108 Flsah
* First IN World GT-G7106 Flash
* First IN World GT-N7108D Flash
* First IN World SM-G3502C Flash
* First IN World SM-W2014 Flash
* First IN World SM-C105 Flash
* GT-I8262 UNLOCK/IMEI(super imei)
* GT-I9197 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* GT-S7582 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* GT-S7580 Flash/UNLOCK/IMEI
* GT-E2200 Repair IMEI
* Repair Note 3 Network Problem After Super imei

Alphabetical phone model selection. Displays information about required cable for the selected phone model. Automatic file selection for Sysol, Swift and Zxxx flashing. Read info from all supported models. Read all unlock codes: NCK, MCK, NSCK, SCK, PCK, etc. Direct and fast removing of all locks. Relock. High-speed flashing. Read/write EEPROM. Read/write full flash (super fast USB flashing mode available for Agere based phones). Safe and very fast Zxxx flashing. IMEI repair. Bypass MSL security in new phones. Repair all software faults. Repair "Phone freeze". Repair "Phone locked return for servicing" & "Wrong Card". Repair permanently blocked phones (0 unlock code counter). Repair damaged NV/NVM/EEPROM. Automatic login to support area. Online updates and upgrades of Smart Card. SPT Box Deluxe v12.3.6 (21.01.2013) New features: World's first GT-S3770 Flash/Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S3778 Flash/Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S3778v Flash/Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S5270L Flash/Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-I9103 Unlock/IMEI (Root Required). World's first GT-S5360 Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S5363 Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S5360C Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-I9008 Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-I9008L Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-P7500 Unlock/IMEI (Root Required). World's first GT-P7500C Unlock/IMEI (Root Required). GT-I9018 Unlock/IMEI. GT-E1180 Flash/Unlock/IMEI. Dowload SPT Box Deluxe v12.3.6 SPT Box Deluxe v12.2.5 (13.10.2011) New features: World's first GT-I5700 EFS Repair (00000 IMEI) with one click. World's first GT-I5700E EFS Repair (00000 IMEI) with one click. World's first GT-I5700L EFS Repair (00000 IMEI) with one click. World's first SHW-M180S Flash/Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-I9100G Flash/Unlock/IMEI (Root Required). World's first GT-I9108 Flash/Unlock/IMEI (Root Required). World's first GT-I9103 Flash. World's first GT-S5360 Flash. World's first GT-I5500M Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S5660M Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S5838 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S5578 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-E2220 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-S3350M Flash/Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-E1195 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-E1190 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-E1182L Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first GT-E2558D Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first SCH-I509 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI. World's first SGH-A847 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI (beta). World's first SGH-A847R Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI (beta). World's first SGH-T479B Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI (beta). World's first SGH-T746 Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI (beta). World's first SGH-T589R Flash/Direct Unlock/IMEI (beta). Uploaded 25GB of new files to the Support zone. Forum di supporto clicca su questo link!!