Parti Di Ricambio


Tappetino in Silicone Resistente Alle Alte Temperature 450x300

Heat Insulated Anti-Static Resistant 450mm x 350mm,
In Silicone amalgamato con silicio, resistente a temperature sino a 500 gradi !!
Costituito da un piano di lavoro con numerosi fori che permette l'alloggio separato dei vari componenti per lo smontaggio dei vostri smartphone.


  • Insulate heat and resist high temperature up to 500 degrees
  • Absorbent surface protects solder tip and work bench at the same time
  • Made of high-grade silica, resist corrosion, solid and durable
  • Easy to clean with banana oil or panel cleaner
  • Soft texture, easy to use
Material Silica
Color Transparent Gray Blue Yellow 
Weight 5.89oz / 167g
Dimensions (450mm x 350mm x 10mm)(L x W x H)
Resistance Temperature 500
Swab with the Thinner/PCB Cleaning Water
Package Includes
  • 1 x Insulation Pad for Maintenance Platform